Best Souvenirs from Tokyo Skytree

There is a town called “Tokyo Skytree Town” at bottom of the Japan’s tallest tower, Tokyo Skytree.
There are more than 300 stores, a museum, an aquarium, a planetarium and other facilities inside the Skytree Town.
You need to plan to spend a whole day here if you don’t want to miss a thing.
Here, I picked some of the best souvenirs that you can find at Tokyo skytree town.

1:【Star shaped melon breads】
You can only get them here in Tokyo skytree town. It’s crunchy outside, and fluffy inside. Simply delicious.


2: 【makanai cosmetic hand cream】

This brand has been producing skin care products over 100 years.
You can’t buy this hand cream anywhere but only in Tokyo Skytree.


3: 【Sky tree candy】
It is fun to see how they make candies at the store.
These candies in a little bottle have cute messages, such as “I ♡ TOKYO” and “Tokyo skytree”. Only available here in Tokyo Skytree, of course.


4: 【Skytree shaped water bottles】

They are available at famous drugstore “Matsumoto Kiyoshi” here in Skytree.
You can get them to hydrate yourself, but also they’ll make great souvenirs from Tokyo.


There are a lot more popular souvenir items such as Skytree limited version of “Tokyo banana”, various kinds of tasty sweets, and many more.
Take your time to get special souvenirs, and make sure to put comfortable shoes on because you’ll need a lot of walking.

Address: 1-1-2 Oshiage, Sumida-ku, Tokyo
Phone: 0570-55-0634
Open: 8:00AM-10:00PM

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