Discovering The Charm of Hokkaido ~ Ryu Hyo Museum Series ~ ~ Travel in Japan with the winners of VISIT JAPAN Campaign ~

Heard about the VISIT JAPAN Campaign from Fun! Japan Malaysia? The grand prize, is the trip for you to discover the wonderful Japan. Today, we will share with you the trip experience at East Hokkaido from the winners of the previous campaign.

Okhotsk Ryu Hyo Museum, a place where you can touch drift ice in summer

The entrance fee of Okhotsk Ryu Hyo Museum in Abashiri City is very reasonable which costs only 750 yen per adult

Let’s borrow a thick coat for the ice-cold room…

Now, it’s the time for us to challenge the world of -15 ℃!

Move slowly… To save our stamina in such an extreme cold environment, what we could do was taking photos quietly, and walking slowly.

Ok, now let’s try to touch the ice ... Oh… it is cold!
Hello! Mr. North Fox! We would like to talk with you more, but not in this cold environment…, it’s not the timing to have a long chat here.

We swung the soaked towel in the air...

The towel became so hard just like a stick! I heard that the temperature in Abashiri becomes -15 °C in February during night time, but I really could not imagine how human being can live in such a world...


Goodbye Mr. North Fox! Sorry that I have to leave here even though just 5 minutes passed. It’s really too cold for us!
Happy and joyful time always end fast! It came to the end of our Hokkaido self-drive trip. Thank you very much to Nippon Rental Car!

This article was written by our staff who assisted the trip. You can read articles written by the winner of this trip here:
From Kuala Lumpur to Tokyo, then to Hokkaido (Day 1)
The Untouched Nature and The Ultimate Hotel in Hokkaido (Day 2)
Hokkaido Farm Visit, Lake Mashu, and the Girl’s Chat (Day 3)
The Never-Ending Road, The Ice-Cold Room, and the Tokyo Tower (Day 4)


Survey[Survey] Traveling to Japan
