Striving for Success in Life and Athletics as Lifetime Athletes – WMG2021 KANSAI(Part 2)

「WORLD MASTERS GAMES (WMG) 2021 KANSAI」 is an international multi-sport event in which generally anyone above the age of 30 can take part. The previous article of the same series introduced track and field and the 10km road race, and their respective venues in Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture and Hikone in Shiga Prefecture. In part 2 we will be introducing the other athletics events which are race walking, ekiden (long-distance road relay), and half marathon along with their venues. These are; Kobe in Hyogo Prefecture (racewalking), Tanabe (ekiden) and Kamitonda (half marathon) in Wakayama Prefecture. Each has its own unique features, so let’s take a look.

※Previous article is here:

Aim for the Top! Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge

The Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge is a great spot to visit for racewalkers aiming for the top. Measuring 3,911 meters long with a central span of 1,911 meters, the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge has the longest central span of any suspension bridge in the world and is one of the notable attractions of Kobe. Its main towers are almost 300m high, which is nearly as tall as Tokyo Tower. There is a “Bridge World for Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge” tour available which allows you to go up one of the main towers, where you can have a breathtaking view of the beautiful sea.

※ The Bridge World for Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge tour requires pre-registration. Entrance is limited to middle school students and above.

Admire the most beautiful moment of the day

※Photos are for illustrative purposes only

Ekiden is an event that originated in Japan. Similar to other long-distance events, stamina and perseverance is required. The biggest difference with other long-distance events is that it is a team competition. Think of it as a long-distance relay race. A team of 5-6 runners will race stages in turn while wearing a cloth sash called tasuki , and at the end of the stage, the runner will pass the tasuki to his team member to continue the race.

The ekiden, which emphasizes teamwork, will be held in Tanabe in Wakayama Prefecture. Do visit and admire Tenjinzaki’s sunset in Tanabe with your team! Enjoy the breathtaking sunset while recalling wonderful WMG2021 moments with your team after you have given your best in the event.

The luxury to run on a World Heritage Site

During WMG2021, the half marathon event will be held at Kishuguchi Kumano in Kamitonda, which is the gateway to the Kumano Kodo, a popular trekking area famous for its natural beauty. Kumano Kodo is a network spiritual pilgrimage routes designated as a Unesco World Heritage Site. The area is filled with forest greenery and has fresh air: just by breathing there your body and mind will feel refreshed. It is a great trekking spot to enjoy before or after the event.

Join WMG2021 And Discover New Scenery

A new experience gives new life. Both parts of this series are only the tip of an iceberg, more discoveries await you at WMG2021 KANSAI. Don’t hesitate to join this wonderful event!

WMG2021 KANSAI is a precious chance for sports enthusiasts to see how far they have come in the sports they do. Detailed event information will be announced on WMG2021 KANSAI official homepage by end of November, so remember to check! FUN! Japan will also bring you all sorts of information about WMG2021 KANSAI as well, which you can check by searching #WMG2021.

WMG2021 KANSAI Official Homepage (English) 👉

There are other places of interest in the places mentioned besides what’s introduced in this article, so please also check out the official websites below:

・Kobe City:

・Tanabe City: (Japanese)

・Kamitonda Town: (Auto translation available)

