【Work & Life in Japan Vol. 10】The Steps to Finding Work in Japan Explained

With content about "Cool Japan" being noticed more and more, Japan is seeing many more foreigners visiting the country, as well as more foreigners wanting to work in Japan. However, the wall some people have to climb for language and culture is tall and wide, however, Japan already has a lot of foreign people working within its society who have climbed said wall. The need for foreign people within Japanese businesses and society is only going to grow with the ever-expanding globalization of various Japanese companies.

There are currently a lot of Japanese companies looking for foreign employees, but the steps an individual needs to take to get employed at these companies differs depending on their Japanese level and current situation. In this article, we have put together a list of methods for getting employed in Japan. Make sure to check all of the methods to find the one that suits you!

Studying Abroad→Job Hunting→Employment

These are the steps that are said to be most common among people working in Japan. Increasing your Japanese language skill directly connects with your career within Japan, and as such, lot's of people study abroad in Japan. This was introduced as one of the methods to stay for longer in Japan in Vol.2 of this series, it is possible to "Find work after graduating from Japanese language school and going onto further education" or "continue straight to job hunting, and aim for employment". Find out more at this link →【Work & Life in Japan Vol.2】Do you want to live in Japan? This is How to Stay in Japan for a Long Time!

Job Hunting in your Home Country→Employment in Japan

Japan is moving further and further into an age of globalization, and recently there has been a boom of online interviews, meaning you can get employed at a Japanese company whilst in your home country. We introduced some information which would be very useful in cases such as this in vol.9 of this series. The era of not being able to get employed at a Japanese company unless you live in Japan is over. Find out more information here →【Work & Life in Japan Vol. 9】The Language Skills Japanese Businesses Want

Internship During Study Period→Employment

The Japanese government recognizes that universities and businesses are related, and internships are recognized as a valid activity for university students. Through using internships, Japanese businesses are more easily able to find staff who can work within their businesses without error, avoiding any potential mismatches. Foreigners participating in these internships are able to get a new outlook at what working for these businesses is like and decide where they would like to take their future career.

Working Holiday→Job Hunting→Employment

A working holiday is an agreement between 2 counties that allows residents of the respective countries to experience the culture and lifestyle of Japan for no more than 1 year. However, not every country allows for this. Furthermore, the age-range for this type of visa is limited to people above the age of 18 and under the age of 30 with no possibility for an extension of stay. In recent years, there have been a lot of people who have taken the opportunity to use the working holiday as a chance to prepare before going full time. As sightseers increase across Japan, so does the work required of foreigners, vacancies for places such as hotels and restaurants are seeing large increases. Keep in mind, once the period of stay expires on a working holiday visa, you must leave the country. This is a demerit for people who want to stay in Japan, but if you switch it over to a work visa, you are able to stay in Japan for longer periods of time.


In this article, we introduced many different paths for becoming employed in Japan. Finding work in a country with a completely different language and culture is probably a lot more difficult than you're expecting. However, if you're able to speak both Japanese and your native tongue, there are many cases where you have a high chance of becoming employed. If you're looking to work in Japan in the future, keep this in mind!

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