The Secret of Japanese Vending Machines, Revealed!

The Secret of Japanese Vending Machines, Revealed!

On today’s article, I am going to share you an interesting secret about Japanese Vending Machines.

A Japanese friend of mine just told me about the secret last week, when we gathered around the vending machines located inside our school.

I will tell you guys about how to accomplish the secret first, please use your imagination and guess what’s this about :D

I don’t know if every Japanese people know about this, but, my friend told me that this secret is really popular among his friends back then. Special for you guys, here is how to do it, step-by-step:

Locate a vending machine (Jidohanbaiki) 

The Secret of Japanese Vending Machines, Revealed!

Locate the handle for change. 

We usually pull this handle to tell the machine that we’re done with our purchase, and the machine will let the change to come out. 
You can find the おつり (Otsuri) word, located next to this handle.
Now, pull and hold for a few seconds. 
The Secret of Japanese Vending Machines, Revealed!

Release the handle and press any buttons (buttons for drinks) 

The Secret of Japanese Vending Machines, Revealed!
The Secret of Japanese Vending Machines, Revealed!

The button will light up, and the small panel that always shows us the amount of money we have inserted into the machine, will show us a random number. 

Can you make a guess? What’s this number about? 

Okay, time’s up! 

Here is the answer : the number that’s being shown is the temperature of the drink! How cool is that? I bet you don’t know about this, right? hehe

Be the first and you can show off to your friends! Awesome!  I also took videos on how to do the secret, please check them out:


