Here in Japan, as winter is fast approaching, the season of 雪 (Yuki, pronounced "You-Key") has begun. Let me introduce you to the delights of the season while offering a few key phrases of Japanese along with it!
初雪 (Hatsu-Yuki, pronounced "Hot-Sue You-Key"): this is the first snow of the season, and its date varies widely according to elevation and latitude. With global warming, it comes later and later, but it usually arrives by the end of November or the beginning of December. When you see 雪雲(Yuki-Gumo, pronounced "You-Key Goo-Mow"), or snow clouds on the horizon, you know that 雪is not far behind. Be sure to dress warmly!
Sports such as スキー and スノボード, which you know as Skiing and Snowboarding, are extremely popular in the winter resort areas of Hokkaido, Nagano, Niigata. Hokkaido (北海道) is generously blessed with some of the world's best powder snow, and Nagano (長野) has many facilities for snow sports, thanks to the 1998 Winter Olympics. Niigata (新潟)sees some of the most snow in the world, at over 2 meters of snowfall in some places. Try shoveling all that 雪off of your rooftop!
If looking at snowscapes is more your style, I highly recommend Shirakawa-go (白川郷), a UNESCO World Culture Heritage Site located in northern Gifu (岐阜). On weekends in January or February, you may be treated to the magical sight of 雪景色 (Yuki-Keshiki, pronounced "You-Key Kay-She-Key"), where you can take in the view of a traditional thatch-roofed hamlet blanketed in white, illuminated by outdoor lights. Sapporo City in Hokkaido also offers a 雪祭り (Yuki Matsuri, pronounced "You-Key Maht-Sue-Lee") every February, where you can see sculptures made of 雪. With a side trip to nearby Niseko, you can also go skiing or boarding!
Here are some phrases to help you communicate about snow in Japan:
●Yuki no ii tokoro wa doko desuka? (雪のいいところはどこですか。)
> Where is a good place for snow?
If they ask you why, you can say スキー、スノボードの為に。(Suki, snobo-do no tame ni). That means, "To ski or snowboard". If you wish to look at the snow, you can say, 雪景色を見る為に (Yuki geshiki wo miru tame ni); meaning, "To look at the snowscapes". Reserve your best spot now!
●Yuki taisaku no yofuku ha arimasuka? (雪対策の洋服はありますか。)
> Do you have clothing designed for snow?
If the answer is positive, you may designate what you want with, 「手袋、帽子、スカーフ、それとジャケット」が欲しいです。(Tebukuro, boshi, suka-fu, sore to jaketto ga hoshii desu.) That means, "I want gloves, a hat, a scarf and a jacket". They may ask you, サイズは何センチですか。(Saizu wa nansenchi desuka?), meaning, "What is your size (in centimeters)?". Please prepare that information ahead of time by measuring your head, hand, neck or shoulders with a tape measure in centimeters. Write it down if possible to show the shop clerk, as few of them speak English but many can read a little.
●Kyo wa nansenchi tsumori masuka? (今日は何センチ積もりますか。)
> How many centimeters of snow will fall today?
Did you get them?? Use words / sentences we introduced today when you are in Japan!
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Bounenkai (忘年会) Fun! Japan Words vol.121