"100 yen Shop's Best Cooking Utensils” can easily be used with microwave oven"! A utensil to prepare “Oyako-don” and “Medamayaki” (sunny side up fried egg).

If you can choose, we believe you will choose to fully utilize your time to prepare a delicious meal in just three minutes!

Nowadays, there is not much free time left in the day after work and school. If you wish to DIY your delicious meal during your busy day, you must not miss this series of "Convenient utensil to be used with microwave oven".

You can make dishes such as “Oyako-don” and “Medamayaki” in a microwave oven!

You can now prepare the popular “Oyako-don” without having to use flames to heat it up by using an easy microwave oven!

"Oyako-don" recipe reference


  • Chicken thigh meat · · 50 g
  • Egg · · · 2
  • Onion – (As much as you like)
  • Soy bean · · (As much as you like)
  • Water ... Small amount for cooking
  • Seasoning – (Optional)


Cut the chicken thigh meat into 1 cm squares and cut the onion into your preferred shape. After that, put the chicken, onion, soybean, water and seasoning into the "special utensil", close the lid, and heat up in microwave oven at 600 W for about 3 minutes.

Then, pour the egg as topping and heat up again at 600W for 1 minute 30 seconds with microwave oven.

“Oyako-don” is completed easily with microwave oven! It is super delicious! Use as a topping on rice and enjoy your meal!

Tips: The size of chicken thigh meat may affect cooking time. Also, you may use other ingredients such as mushroom and leeks depending on your personal preference.

Easily make the medamayaki!

Break the egg, and make 3-4 holes on egg yolk with a toothpick.

Pour in little water and then heat up at 600W for 1 minute 40 seconds in microwave oven.

It is completed!

Add in some salt or soy sauce depending on your preference.

Do you want to give it a try? Let's try to make it together!

